HeadsUp: Firmware 1.2.6 available (longer battery life?)
Eduardo Delgado
2003-03-20 12:23:18 UTC
Ok, it was released yesterday, but in case you didn't know:

iPod Software 1.2.6 provides improved battery management which solves a
problem that may appear to shorten your iPod’s battery life.
Download the Windows version (might format your iPod), or the OS9 for use
with Laetitia's and Grant's tools:


I haven't tested it yet.

iPod!, uPod?

Eduardo Delgado

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Joe Masters
2003-03-20 12:54:20 UTC
There's also speculation that this will fix the Windows Audible Bookmarks


--On Thursday, March 20, 2003 1:23 PM +0100 Eduardo Delgado
Post by Eduardo Delgado
iPod Software 1.2.6 provides improved battery management which solves a
problem that may appear to shorten your iPod?s battery life.
Download the Windows version (might format your iPod), or the OS9 for use
I haven't tested it yet.
iPod!, uPod?
Eduardo Delgado
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Bill Tullock
2003-03-20 15:15:50 UTC
Sorry to report that the Windows Audible Bookmarks still return to 0:00
after the firewire connection.


-----Original Message-----
From: ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu
[mailto:ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu]On Behalf Of Joe Masters
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 7:54 AM
To: ***@terra.es; EphPod list server
Subject: [ephpod] Re: HeadsUp: Firmware 1.2.6 available (longer battery

There's also speculation that this will fix the Windows Audible Bookmarks


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2003-03-20 17:43:15 UTC
Has anyone successfully installed this firmware yet?

I downloaded the 1.2.6 Updater from apple.com but when I run it cannot
find/mound my iPod.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Eduardo Delgado" <***@terra.es>
To: "EphPod list server" <***@wso.williams.edu>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 7:23 AM
Subject: [ephpod] HeadsUp: Firmware 1.2.6 available (longer battery life?)
Post by Eduardo Delgado
iPod Software 1.2.6 provides improved battery management which solves a
problem that may appear to shorten your iPods battery life.
Download the Windows version (might format your iPod), or the OS9 for use
I haven't tested it yet.
iPod!, uPod?
Eduardo Delgado
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Wesley Morgan
2003-03-20 18:02:12 UTC
Post by Loopy
Has anyone successfully installed this firmware yet?
I downloaded the 1.2.6 Updater from apple.com but when I run it cannot
find/mound my iPod.
I tried the OS9/firmware extractor/podtronics and it could not find my
ipod (never could before though). The apple updater worked fine. Win XP,
20gb win32 ipod (converted from mac).

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Eduardo Delgado
2003-03-20 18:15:57 UTC
Post by Wesley Morgan
I tried the OS9/firmware extractor/podtronics and it could not find my
ipod (never could before though).
I guess you need the updated dll. I can't see it at Grant's site, but it's available
in http://www.iweenie.com (thanks, Mark).
Post by Wesley Morgan
The apple updater worked fine.
Did it let you to just "Update" as it should, or you had to "Restore" (i.e.

iPod!, uPod?

Eduardo Delgado

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Wesley Morgan
2003-03-20 18:36:52 UTC
Post by Eduardo Delgado
Did it let you to just "Update" as it should, or you had to "Restore" (i.e.
Just update. worked great!

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Mark Watkins
2003-03-20 17:48:38 UTC
I've updated my old 5gig ipod with the MAC OS 9 firmware which was extracted
using the firmware extraction tool (I'm hosting the zipped binary at
www.iweenie.com ) and then updated my ipod with grants updater.

I haven't tested the battery life yet but it at least plays songs!!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Loopy" <***@antipants.com>
To: "EphPod list server" <***@wso.williams.edu>
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 5:43 PM
Subject: [ephpod] Re: HeadsUp: Firmware 1.2.6 available (longer battery
Post by Loopy
Has anyone successfully installed this firmware yet?
I downloaded the 1.2.6 Updater from apple.com but when I run it cannot
find/mound my iPod.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 7:23 AM
Subject: [ephpod] HeadsUp: Firmware 1.2.6 available (longer battery life?)
Post by Eduardo Delgado
iPod Software 1.2.6 provides improved battery management which solves a
problem that may appear to shorten your iPods battery life.
Download the Windows version (might format your iPod), or the OS9 for
Post by Loopy
Post by Eduardo Delgado
I haven't tested it yet.
iPod!, uPod?
Eduardo Delgado
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Michael Tan
2003-03-22 04:30:13 UTC
If you have a scroll wheel iPod, upgrade it. I had erradict battery =
from 5 minutes to sometimes a couple of hours. Today, after a good =
I got over 9 hours on my iPod that is about 14 months old. It seems =
the program monitoring the battery now monitors it all the way to the =
limit of the battery - display dimmed a lot when the hard drive kicked =
then shortly after it quit - and no more finicky battery level.

Finally Apple addressed this battery issue once and for all.


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2003-04-28 18:27:58 UTC
There's new firmware out, but it's Mac Only. Windows firmware is not
until early May. Since I'm lazy, here a link and a copy and paste from
Apple's site:


iPod Software 1.3 Update
The iPod Software 1.3 Update provides iTunes 4 support, including
playback of AAC encoded audio files (Mac-only). Additional enhancements
include audio playback and user interface improvements, increased playback
time on scroll-wheel iPods, and longer stand-by time for all iPods.

Important Note
iPod Software Update 1.3 is only compatible with touch-wheel and
scroll-wheel iPods without a dock connector. The recently introduced iPods
(April 28, 2003) do not need this update.

Download the iPod Software 1.3 Updater (5.2MB)
Select the download for your platform (Windows version available early

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Eduardo Delgado
2003-04-28 18:46:46 UTC
iPod Software 1.3 Updater is also available for Mac OS 9 users
But the link brings you to the 1.2.6 version. :-(

So Laetitia's extractor back to the drawer.

iPod!, uPod?

Eduardo Delgado

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Pete LePage
2003-04-28 19:17:31 UTC
It looks like we don't get the cool new features like on the go play =
and the new games that come with the new iPod...


That was my SINGLE complaint about my iPod. I couldn't make play lists
while away from my computer...


-----Original Message-----
From: ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu =
On Behalf Of Eduardo Delgado
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 11:47 AM
To: EphPod list server
iPod Software 1.3 Updater is also available for Mac OS 9 users
But the link brings you to the 1.2.6 version. :-(

So Laetitia's extractor back to the drawer.

iPod!, uPod?

Eduardo Delgado

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Steve K
2003-04-28 19:30:15 UTC
Post by Pete LePage
It looks like we don't get the cool new features like on the go play =
and the new games that come with the new iPod...
Yea, I can confirm this, my coworker updated his scroll-wheel mac iPod and
didn't get all the new stuff. What a disappointment -- Can anyone attest to
the contrary?

However, I would suspect someone will figure out how to install the 3G iPod's
firmware on the 1G and 2G iPods.


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2003-04-28 21:02:13 UTC
No kidding, I don't care about any of that stuff, all I want to be able to
do is queue songs up...

Post by Pete LePage
That was my SINGLE complaint about my iPod. I couldn't make play lists
while away from my computer...
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Gordon Harris
2003-04-29 04:08:17 UTC
I managed to update my win-pod to firmware 1.3 using the OS9 update file,
Laetitia's extractor, and the Podtronics updater. Worked like a charm. No
obvious improvements, though.

Anyone have any experience with AAC encoding? The info on the apple site to
the fact that the mac pods support AAC playback with this firmware is
tantalizing. Anyone have an opinion as to whether or not AAC encoding would
offer any actual audible improvement over MP3s on an iPod?

I managed to create a couple of AAC test files and even managed to tag them.
Finding encoding and playback software was kind of a pain, but I managed to
make files that were playable through Winamp2. No way to send them to the
iPod, though, to see if they will play there. I tried the brute force
approach: renaming the test.aac file to test.mp3 to see if Ephpod would xfer
it and read the tags. No dice.

The 128 CBR AAC test file ended up being about 30% smaller than the high
quality MP3 VBR file, and sounded just as good when I gave it a cursory
listening test.

Joe: any desire on your part to add AAC support to Ephpod?

-----Original Message-----
From: ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu
[mailto:ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu]On Behalf Of ems
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 3:02 PM
To: Pete LePage
Cc: ***@wso.williams.edu
Subject: [ephpod] Re: Cutting Edge

No kidding, I don't care about any of that stuff, all I want to be able to
do is queue songs up...

Post by Pete LePage
That was my SINGLE complaint about my iPod. I couldn't make play lists
while away from my computer...
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2003-05-02 22:11:24 UTC
The issue is, does the new IPod have more controls? If so, then it won't
likely ever be possible. If however, they only moved the controls around,
then its quite do-able
Post by Steve K
Post by Pete LePage
It looks like we don't get the cool new features like on the go play =
and the new games that come with the new iPod...
Yea, I can confirm this, my coworker updated his scroll-wheel mac iPod and
didn't get all the new stuff. What a disappointment -- Can anyone attest to
the contrary?
However, I would suspect someone will figure out how to install the 3G iPod's
firmware on the 1G and 2G iPods.
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Cult: (n) a small, unpopular religion.
Religion: (n) a large, popular cult.

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Eduardo Delgado
2003-05-02 22:23:15 UTC
Post by b***@nj.rr.com
The issue is, does the new IPod have more controls? If so, then it won't
likely ever be possible. If however, they only moved the controls around,
then its quite do-able
Yeah, it's quite do-able, but everything points they won't be doing it.


I refuse to believe it, though.

iPod!, uPod?

Eduardo Delgado

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Michael Richmond
2003-05-02 22:28:26 UTC
My bet is that they may have changed the CPU, or alternately the
introduction of the new data connector has involved different I/O chips.
It may also be the case that the new connector provides additional
sense lines which could not be simulated using the firewire connector
on older iPods.

Like Eduardo I liked the elegance of the way the firewire port was used
on the original iPods. However, I suspect moving to support USB
necessitated the use of a proprietary connector (unless Apple wanted to
ship different USB and Firewire versions which results in different problems).

Lets face it, support for USB is aimed at building the Windows market
which makes good business sense. I'm just hoping that they have designed
the new connector to support future growth so that it does not need to be
changed with each new iPod model allowing investment in accessories to
be carried forward.

I suspect that the new hardware/connector may allow the use of firewire/usb
over the connector while the iPod is in "Play" mode, thus allowing Apple or
third parties to develop software and periperals for the iPod. This is just a
guess, but it would make sense. (And though I have not yet seen one of
the new iPods in person, the new connector seems to have an awful lot of
lines for something which only supports usb/firewire connectivity.)

...Michael Richmond
Post by b***@nj.rr.com
The issue is, does the new IPod have more controls? If so, then it won't
likely ever be possible. If however, they only moved the controls around,
then its quite do-able
Post by Steve K
Post by Pete LePage
It looks like we don't get the cool new features like on the go play =
and the new games that come with the new iPod...
Yea, I can confirm this, my coworker updated his scroll-wheel mac iPod and
didn't get all the new stuff. What a disappointment -- Can anyone attest to
the contrary?
However, I would suspect someone will figure out how to install the 3G
Post by Steve K
firmware on the 1G and 2G iPods.
Michael Richmond
Department of Computer Sciences e-mail: ***@cs.purdue.edu
Purdue University, Indiana phone: +1 (765) 494 6634

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Jason Gilbert
2003-05-02 22:55:59 UTC
It's for recording.


Post by Michael Richmond
(And though I have not yet seen one of
the new iPods in person, the new connector seems to have an awful lot of
lines for something which only supports usb/firewire connectivity.)
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Eduardo Delgado
2003-05-02 23:46:22 UTC
Post by Michael Richmond
It may also be the case that the new connector provides additional
sense lines which could not be simulated using the firewire connector
on older iPods.
Post by Michael Richmond
(And though I have not yet seen one of
the new iPods in person, the new connector seems to have an awful lot of
lines for something which only supports usb/firewire connectivity.)
It appears they have mic or line in on that connector.


"This close-up of the dock port is the most interesting. We can't tell you
why just yet, but trust us... Oh, and do the math; FireWire = 6 pins; USB =
4 pins; Line out = 3 pins. 6 + 4 + 3 = 13 pins; there are way more than 13
pins in that connector..."


"but we first ran Diagnostic Mode on it. It has a recording feature! There is
also a test for LINEIN that does recording too. We don't have a mic to test
with it at the moment but after "recording" when we listen to the
headphones we hear the sound of nothing recorded (you know what we
mean right?)"
Post by Michael Richmond
I'm just hoping that they have designed
the new connector to support future growth so that it does not need to be
changed with each new iPod model allowing investment in accessories to
be carried forward.
Future growth upto a year or so. Then it'll become obsolete for the new
ideas they'll have. ;-) They won't be able to inject video in there, or output
dolby 5.1, or whatever they'll imagine.

Still, the dock should have standard FW & USB connectors, plus a small
adapter custom/standard (like the 4-to-6) if you don't want to use/carry the
dock. There shouldn't be a need for custom cables.

iPod!, uPod?

Eduardo Delgado

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Michael Long
2003-05-02 23:49:53 UTC
Of course they could have put BOTH ports on there...but Apple took the easy
way out

--On Friday, May 02, 2003 5:28 PM -0500 Michael Richmond
Post by Michael Richmond
Like Eduardo I liked the elegance of the way the firewire port was used
on the original iPods. However, I suspect moving to support USB
necessitated the use of a proprietary connector (unless Apple wanted to
ship different USB and Firewire versions which results in different problems).
Lets face it, support for USB is aimed at building the Windows market
which makes good business sense. I'm just hoping that they have designed
the new connector to support future growth so that it does not need to be
changed with each new iPod model allowing investment in accessories to
be carried forward.
Michael Long

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Michael Richmond
2003-05-03 00:14:53 UTC
Post by Michael Long
Of course they could have put BOTH ports on there...but Apple took the easy
way out
Yes, assuming there was room to do this and maintain form factor (both
in terms of space for the port and dual charging hardware to support different
voltage levels from each port if necessary.)
I also suspect that USB may not have been able to provide the power to have
a reasonable rechargetime.
Post by Michael Long
Future growth upto a year or so. Then it'll become obsolete for the new
ideas they'll have. ;-) They won't be able to inject video in there, or
dolby 5.1, or whatever they'll imagine.
Still, the dock should have standard FW & USB connectors, plus a small
adapter custom/standard (like the 4-to-6) if you don't want to use/carry the
dock. There shouldn't be a need for custom cables.
True, but not everybody gets a dock.

In terms of injecting video or other high bandwidth I/O, if they have opened up
the firewire lines while in "Play" mode, then a small adapter could house a
digital converter and dump the result onto the data bus.

But all of this is just hypothesizing.


Michael Richmond
Department of Computer Sciences e-mail: ***@cs.purdue.edu
Purdue University, Indiana phone: +1 (765) 494 6634

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Gordon Harris
2003-04-29 04:32:16 UTC
I think I downloaded the AAC encoder I used from

This is a command-line encoder which will turn WAV files into AAC files.

This Psytel encoder was done last year by the same guy who is currently
adding AAC support to Nero. It includes a Winamp2 plugin for playback and a
simple PDF file with encoding instructions.

The tagging software I used came from:

-----Original Message-----
From: ***@builderadius.com [mailto:***@builderadius.com]
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 10:18 PM
To: Gordon Harris
Cc: ***@wso.williams.edu
Subject: Re: [ephpod] Re: Cutting Edge

I am interested in support AAC, yes... Are there any free AAC files
Post by Gordon Harris
I managed to update my win-pod to firmware 1.3 using the OS9 update file,
Laetitia's extractor, and the Podtronics updater. Worked like a charm.
Post by Gordon Harris
obvious improvements, though.
Anyone have any experience with AAC encoding? The info on the apple site
Post by Gordon Harris
the fact that the mac pods support AAC playback with this firmware is
tantalizing. Anyone have an opinion as to whether or not AAC encoding
Post by Gordon Harris
offer any actual audible improvement over MP3s on an iPod?
I managed to create a couple of AAC test files and even managed to tag
Post by Gordon Harris
Finding encoding and playback software was kind of a pain, but I managed
Post by Gordon Harris
make files that were playable through Winamp2. No way to send them to the
iPod, though, to see if they will play there. I tried the brute force
approach: renaming the test.aac file to test.mp3 to see if Ephpod would
Post by Gordon Harris
it and read the tags. No dice.
The 128 CBR AAC test file ended up being about 30% smaller than the high
quality MP3 VBR file, and sounded just as good when I gave it a cursory
listening test.
Joe: any desire on your part to add AAC support to Ephpod?
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 3:02 PM
To: Pete LePage
Subject: [ephpod] Re: Cutting Edge
No kidding, I don't care about any of that stuff, all I want to be able to
do is queue songs up...
Post by Pete LePage
That was my SINGLE complaint about my iPod. I couldn't make play lists
while away from my computer...
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Philong Ta
2003-04-29 05:52:55 UTC
Try this instead....

Rename an AAC track to 2001.mp3 (or some othe number the way Ephpod renames
files). Then in Windows Explorer copy the renamed AAC file to the folder
containing 2001.mp3 to replace it. See if the ipod will play it. This
trick worked on wav files before Ephpod supported wav. I'm guessing it
won't work though because I think Apple uses AAC streams inside a container
(whatever that means). AAC files I've made with the PsyTEL encoder don't
play in Quicktime, but mp4 files (which I think is an AAC stream inside an
mp4 container, whatever that means) made with Nero do play in Quicktime and
Winamp. So you could also try the same method mentioned above with mp4
files made with Nero (Nero has a free trial). I'd do it but I don't have an
ipod at the moment.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Gordon Harris" <***@earthlink.net>
To: <***@builderadius.com>
Cc: <***@wso.williams.edu>
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 9:32 PM
Subject: [ephpod] Re: Cutting Edge
Post by Gordon Harris
I think I downloaded the AAC encoder I used from
This is a command-line encoder which will turn WAV files into AAC files.
This Psytel encoder was done last year by the same guy who is currently
adding AAC support to Nero. It includes a Winamp2 plugin for playback and a
simple PDF file with encoding instructions.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 10:18 PM
To: Gordon Harris
Subject: Re: [ephpod] Re: Cutting Edge
I am interested in support AAC, yes... Are there any free AAC files
Post by Gordon Harris
I managed to update my win-pod to firmware 1.3 using the OS9 update file,
Laetitia's extractor, and the Podtronics updater. Worked like a charm.
Post by Gordon Harris
obvious improvements, though.
Anyone have any experience with AAC encoding? The info on the apple site
Post by Gordon Harris
the fact that the mac pods support AAC playback with this firmware is
tantalizing. Anyone have an opinion as to whether or not AAC encoding
Post by Gordon Harris
offer any actual audible improvement over MP3s on an iPod?
I managed to create a couple of AAC test files and even managed to tag
Post by Gordon Harris
Finding encoding and playback software was kind of a pain, but I managed
Post by Gordon Harris
make files that were playable through Winamp2. No way to send them to the
iPod, though, to see if they will play there. I tried the brute force
approach: renaming the test.aac file to test.mp3 to see if Ephpod would
Post by Gordon Harris
it and read the tags. No dice.
The 128 CBR AAC test file ended up being about 30% smaller than the high
quality MP3 VBR file, and sounded just as good when I gave it a cursory
listening test.
Joe: any desire on your part to add AAC support to Ephpod?
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, April 28, 2003 3:02 PM
To: Pete LePage
Subject: [ephpod] Re: Cutting Edge
No kidding, I don't care about any of that stuff, all I want to be able to
do is queue songs up...
Post by Pete LePage
That was my SINGLE complaint about my iPod. I couldn't make play lists
while away from my computer...
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Hamish O'Dea
2003-04-29 07:52:07 UTC
On Tue, 29 Apr 2003 15:52:55 +1000
Post by Philong Ta
Try this instead....
Rename an AAC track to 2001.mp3 (or some othe number the way Ephpod renames
files). Then in Windows Explorer copy the renamed AAC file to the folder
containing 2001.mp3 to replace it. See if the ipod will play it. This
trick worked on wav files before Ephpod supported wav. I'm guessing it
won't work though because I think Apple uses AAC streams inside a container
(whatever that means). AAC files I've made with the PsyTEL encoder don't
play in Quicktime, but mp4 files (which I think is an AAC stream inside an
mp4 container, whatever that means) made with Nero do play in Quicktime and
Winamp. So you could also try the same method mentioned above with mp4
files made with Nero (Nero has a free trial). I'd do it but I don't have an
ipod at the moment.
I've tried just replacing exising files with AAC files created by iTunes
4 (they're named *.m4a, BTW). Couldn't get it to work.

I did copy some AAC files and the entire iTunesDB from a MAC iPod to my
FAT32 one and it works. I guess we need Ephpod to write the database

Some useful binaries for encoding/decoding AAC/MPEG4 files can be found



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Hamish O'Dea
2003-04-29 08:14:00 UTC
On Tue, 29 Apr 2003 17:52:07 +1000
Post by Hamish O'Dea
I've tried just replacing exising files with AAC files created by iTunes
4 (they're named *.m4a, BTW). Couldn't get it to work.
I did copy some AAC files and the entire iTunesDB from a MAC iPod to my
FAT32 one and it works. I guess we need Ephpod to write the database
Some useful binaries for encoding/decoding AAC/MPEG4 files can be found
It looks like the extension is important. I renamed to .m4a and manually
hacked the file name in iTunesDB, and it works.

For anyone interested, this is how I created a working m4a/mp4 file. I
used FAAC and the MPEG 4 tools from the above web site, but I guess the
Nero plugin would do the trick as well. If Quicktime plays it, the iPod
should too.

faac -m 4 train.wav train.aac
mp4creator60.exe -create=train.aac train.mp4


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Daniel Bayerdorffer
2003-04-30 14:55:01 UTC
Hello everyone,
Has anyone checked out www.applemusic.com? This sounds like what I've been
waiting for! Is there any chance ephpod will support this in some way? Since
right now it only works with iTunes on the Mac.


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William P.N. Smith
2003-04-30 15:41:03 UTC
Post by Daniel Bayerdorffer
Has anyone checked out www.applemusic.com?
Yes, it looks very exciting, but I suspect we're going to have to wait for
the Windows version (due sometime around the end of the year) before Ephpod
can reasonably be expected to even be able to start to support it...
William Smith ***@compusmiths.com ***@amsat.org
ComputerSmiths Consulting, Inc. www.compusmiths.com

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Joe Masters
2003-04-30 15:46:11 UTC
Never say never...

--On Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:41 AM -0400 "William P.N. Smith"
Post by William P.N. Smith
Post by Daniel Bayerdorffer
Has anyone checked out www.applemusic.com?
Yes, it looks very exciting, but I suspect we're going to have to wait
for the Windows version (due sometime around the end of the year) before
Ephpod can reasonably be expected to even be able to start to support
ComputerSmiths Consulting, Inc. www.compusmiths.com
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Steve K
2003-04-30 16:16:47 UTC
Joe --

Need a job?



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2003-05-01 02:16:58 UTC
no kidding, apply for that job Joe...you have a boatload of folks here who
can give you references!


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Adam Bovill
2003-05-01 21:44:58 UTC
I second that notion.


----- Original Message -----
From: "John" <***@singlethought.com>
To: <***@yahoo.com>; <***@builderadius.com>; <***@wso.williams.edu>
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:16 PM
Subject: [ephpod] Re: www.applemusic.com
Post by John
no kidding, apply for that job Joe...you have a boatload of folks here who
can give you references!
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2003-05-01 03:10:05 UTC
It would be very interesting to me, but I have a good full-time job right
now (that pays more than Apple would, and I own stock in the company), and
I'm set to start law school in the fall of 2004.

Right now I'm looking at ways to integrate EphPod with the new features.
I'm planning on picking up one of the new iPods at the Apple store in
Cambridge this weekend.

Future plans for EphPod...

1) Get AAC support in there (if possible... read on),
2) fix stupid bugs
3) revamp web site
4) Do features that have been on the list for a couple months
5) Reverse-engineer apple music store (unfortunately this might only lead
to you being able to play these songs on your iPod, but...)

I've spent much of my free programming time over the past 6-7 months on an
easier-to-use iPod interface for MoodLogic (http://www.moodlogic.net/).
It's a nice program, especially when combined with MoodLogic's nice
features (identifying songs without needing mp3 tags, and having
mood/tempo/genre info on the songs that can allow the creation of cool
playlists like "Aggressive Songs of the 70s" or "Mellow")

One note -- right now I'm working on the AAC support, and I'm having
difficulty getting an AAC I make on my windows machine recognized &
playable by iTunes. If you've had any success doing this, please let me

Also, I'm surprised that the professional version of QuickTime for Windows
doesn't have AAC encoding for music...

Post by Adam Bovill
I second that notion.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:16 PM
Subject: [ephpod] Re: www.applemusic.com
Post by John
no kidding, apply for that job Joe...you have a boatload of folks here who
can give you references!
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2003-05-01 03:22:43 UTC
"New iPods"?
Does anyone have a quicklink to these supposedly slimmer yet bigger

-----Original Message-----
From: ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu
[mailto:ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 11:10 PM
To: Adam Bovill
Cc: ***@wso.williams.edu
Subject: [ephpod] EphPod future plans

It would be very interesting to me, but I have a good full-time job
now (that pays more than Apple would, and I own stock in the company),
I'm set to start law school in the fall of 2004.

Right now I'm looking at ways to integrate EphPod with the new features.

I'm planning on picking up one of the new iPods at the Apple store in
Cambridge this weekend.

Future plans for EphPod...

1) Get AAC support in there (if possible... read on),
2) fix stupid bugs
3) revamp web site
4) Do features that have been on the list for a couple months
5) Reverse-engineer apple music store (unfortunately this might only
to you being able to play these songs on your iPod, but...)

I've spent much of my free programming time over the past 6-7 months on
easier-to-use iPod interface for MoodLogic (http://www.moodlogic.net/).

It's a nice program, especially when combined with MoodLogic's nice
features (identifying songs without needing mp3 tags, and having
mood/tempo/genre info on the songs that can allow the creation of cool
playlists like "Aggressive Songs of the 70s" or "Mellow")

One note -- right now I'm working on the AAC support, and I'm having
difficulty getting an AAC I make on my windows machine recognized &
playable by iTunes. If you've had any success doing this, please let me


Also, I'm surprised that the professional version of QuickTime for
doesn't have AAC encoding for music...

Post by Adam Bovill
I second that notion.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:16 PM
Subject: [ephpod] Re: www.applemusic.com
Post by John
no kidding, apply for that job Joe...you have a boatload of folks
here who can give you references!
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2003-05-01 03:54:58 UTC
I read on ipoding.com that AAC files not made by iTunes4 will not play in
iTunes. However, someone wrote earlier here that they were successful in
getting a Windows-encoded AAC file to play on the ipod by changing the
extension to *.m4a.
Post by j***@builderadius.com
One note -- right now I'm working on the AAC support, and I'm having
difficulty getting an AAC I make on my windows machine recognized &
playable by iTunes. If you've had any success doing this, please let me
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Hamish O'Dea
2003-05-01 04:06:23 UTC
On Thu, 1 May 2003 13:10:05 +1000
***@builderadius.com wrote:

Post by j***@builderadius.com
One note -- right now I'm working on the AAC support, and I'm having
difficulty getting an AAC I make on my windows machine recognized &
playable by iTunes. If you've had any success doing this, please let me
This worked for me:
faac -m 4 train.wav train.aac
mp4creator60.exe -create=train.aac train.mp4

Both tools are available from rarewares:

I can't remember if I had to rename the file to .m4a for iTunes to play
it. Just to confuse things, Quicktime on Windows played it when called .mp4,
but *not* .m4a. More confusion: copy protected songs bought from the
iTunes store are apparently called .m4p.

The biggest problem I can see is tagging. I have no idea if there is a
tagging standard for AAC or MPEG4 files, or whether Apple are using
their own thing.

Apple claim iTunes won't play AAC files from third party encoders:

iTunes does not really create AAC files, but MPEG-4 files with AAC audio.
Perhaps this is what they are getting at?
Post by j***@builderadius.com
Also, I'm surprised that the professional version of QuickTime for Windows
doesn't have AAC encoding for music...
The latest Windows version seems to be 6.1, but 6.2 is out for Mac.
Maybe 6.2 will bring AAC encoding to Windows.


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[ brendan mckitrick ]
2003-05-01 04:26:19 UTC
Post by Hamish O'Dea
The biggest problem I can see is tagging. I have no idea if there is a
tagging standard for AAC or MPEG4 files, or whether Apple are using
their own thing.
Some info on how iTunes tags its files:
Post by Hamish O'Dea
The Register reports that MacRumours.com reports that this is a bit of a
lie...sorry for the mother's-cousins'-friend's information - I'll try and
dig up a more authorative report ;-)

[ Brendan ] | [e] ***@sektah.com
[p] 0402 993 798 [w] www.sektah.com

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Hamish O'Dea
2003-05-01 04:43:16 UTC
On Thu, 1 May 2003 14:26:19 +1000
Post by [ brendan mckitrick ]
Post by Hamish O'Dea
The biggest problem I can see is tagging. I have no idea if there is a
tagging standard for AAC or MPEG4 files, or whether Apple are using
their own thing.
Cool. Lets hope this is adopted as the standard way of storing tags.

Interesting that the MPEG-4 file format was based on Quicktime's.
Post by [ brendan mckitrick ]
Post by Hamish O'Dea
The Register reports that MacRumours.com reports that this is a bit of a
lie...sorry for the mother's-cousins'-friend's information - I'll try and
dig up a more authorative report ;-)
Well, the MPEG-4 AAC files I created on Windows certainly do play on
iTunes 4.


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[ brendan mckitrick ]
2003-05-01 04:47:39 UTC
Here's the article that says it:

Amongst other things:

- "Protected AAC files have the extension: .m4p -- ripped AAC files are
- "According to Apple: iTunes will only play AAC files that are created by
iTunes or downloaded from the Music Store. "Other AAC files that you find on
the Internet or elsewhere will not play in iTunes." However, Anecdotal
evidence does not support this. Users have reported being able to play AAC
files encoded outside of iTunes."

A fair bit of other guff mentioned in the article...interesting...

[ Brendan ] | [e] ***@sektah.com
[p] 0402 993 798 [w] www.sektah.com
Post by Bill Tullock
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, 1 May 2003 2:43 PM
Subject: [ephpod] Re: EphPod future plans
On Thu, 1 May 2003 14:26:19 +1000
Post by [ brendan mckitrick ]
Post by Hamish O'Dea
The biggest problem I can see is tagging. I have no idea if there is a
tagging standard for AAC or MPEG4 files, or whether Apple are using
their own thing.
Cool. Lets hope this is adopted as the standard way of storing tags.
Interesting that the MPEG-4 file format was based on Quicktime's.
Post by [ brendan mckitrick ]
Post by Hamish O'Dea
The Register reports that MacRumours.com reports that this is a bit of a
lie...sorry for the mother's-cousins'-friend's information - I'll try and
dig up a more authorative report ;-)
Well, the MPEG-4 AAC files I created on Windows certainly do play on
iTunes 4.
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2003-05-01 05:28:55 UTC
I tried mp4creator60.exe on an aac file I made with the psytel encoder, but
it doesn't play in QT for Windows. aac files also don't play with QT. But
mp4 files made with Nero (there's a free trial available) do play in QT.
And file extensions do matter with Apple (which is stupid). A *.mp4 may
play in QT, but if you change the extension to anything else and try to open
it, QT says it can't play it.

Maybe this helps.
Post by Hamish O'Dea
faac -m 4 train.wav train.aac
mp4creator60.exe -create=train.aac train.mp4
I can't remember if I had to rename the file to .m4a for iTunes to play
it. Just to confuse things, Quicktime on Windows played it when called .mp4,
but *not* .m4a. More confusion: copy protected songs bought from the
iTunes store are apparently called .m4p.
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Hamish O'Dea
2003-05-01 05:42:39 UTC
On Thu, 1 May 2003 15:28:55 +1000
Phil <***@staind-online.com> wrote:

Try http://www.inf.ufpr.br/~rja00/files/faac.zip instead of psytel, it's
a much more recent build.
Post by Phil
I tried mp4creator60.exe on an aac file I made with the psytel encoder, but
it doesn't play in QT for Windows. aac files also don't play with QT.
mp4 files made with Nero (there's a free trial available) do play in QT.
And file extensions do matter with Apple (which is stupid). A *.mp4 may
play in QT, but if you change the extension to anything else and try to open
it, QT says it can't play it.
Maybe this helps.
Post by Hamish O'Dea
faac -m 4 train.wav train.aac
mp4creator60.exe -create=train.aac train.mp4
I can't remember if I had to rename the file to .m4a for iTunes to
Post by Hamish O'Dea
it. Just to confuse things, Quicktime on Windows played it when called
Post by Hamish O'Dea
but *not* .m4a. More confusion: copy protected songs bought from the
iTunes store are apparently called .m4p.
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2003-05-02 03:42:30 UTC
Post by Hamish O'Dea
faac -m 4 train.wav train.aac
mp4creator60.exe -create=train.aac train.mp4
I can't remember if I had to rename the file to .m4a for iTunes to play
it. Just to confuse things, Quicktime on Windows played it when called .mp4,
but *not* .m4a. More confusion: copy protected songs bought from the
iTunes store are apparently called .m4p.
More issues on my end... I pulled in the .mp4 file into iTunes and it
would play, but wouldn't let me copy it over to my iPod. I renamed the
file to .m4a, but then iTunes failed to play the song at all.

Seems like we're not going to be able to make these .m4a files on Windows
machines...? Let me know if anyone out there is able to do this...

Next stop will be seeing how the DRM is enforced on the iPod as far as the
Apple Music Store goes. Also, the Apple Music Store is pretty sweet on
the Mac, but is probably fairly hard to duplicate on the Windows side of
things as far as reverse-engineering it goes.

That said, I'm always up for a challenge...


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Hamish O'Dea
2003-05-02 04:57:05 UTC
On Fri, 2 May 2003 13:42:30 +1000
Post by j***@builderadius.com
Post by Hamish O'Dea
faac -m 4 train.wav train.aac
mp4creator60.exe -create=train.aac train.mp4
I can't remember if I had to rename the file to .m4a for iTunes to
Post by Hamish O'Dea
it. Just to confuse things, Quicktime on Windows played it when called
Post by Hamish O'Dea
but *not* .m4a. More confusion: copy protected songs bought from the
iTunes store are apparently called .m4p.
More issues on my end... I pulled in the .mp4 file into iTunes and it
would play, but wouldn't let me copy it over to my iPod. I renamed the
file to .m4a, but then iTunes failed to play the song at all.
Seems like we're not going to be able to make these .m4a files on Windows
machines...? Let me know if anyone out there is able to do this...
I had the same problem when the file was called .mp4, but it worked when
it was .m4a. iTunes played it, and I could drag it to the iPod.

The iPod played both the file I created with faac/mp4creator and one I
made with Quicktime. I couldn't seek on the faac file though, it didn't
display any time elapsed/remaining.


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Hamish O'Dea
2003-05-01 06:26:01 UTC
On Thu, 1 May 2003 13:10:05 +1000
Post by j***@builderadius.com
Also, I'm surprised that the professional version of QuickTime for Windows
doesn't have AAC encoding for music...
Looks like Quicktime Pro 6.1 does encode to AAC. Load up a wav or mp3
and choose File/Export, then select "Movie to MPEG-4". Don't know if
these will work on the iPod though.


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2003-10-16 20:30:13 UTC
So iTunes for Windows is out today. Has anyone tried using it with their
iPod yet?


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Steve K
2003-10-16 20:30:08 UTC
No -- sadly it does not install under linux/wine. I would like to know if
anyone on the list has any luck with that.


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2003-10-16 20:38:40 UTC
I'me using it for 1 hour with Win XP : it's working well. I've tried almost
every options, without bad surprise.
Tried also a upload with a 5 Go Mac Pod converted into in WinPod : iTunes
reconized it, and upload songs quickly.


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Sal Cameli
2003-05-01 09:32:38 UTC

Just send in your resume for the hell of it, you never
know, with your experience and EphPod, It been
intresting to see if they make you an offer, you could
post the offer on EphPod.com

Maybe they'd give you 250k/year to start and a 2003 BMW
M3 :)

Post by Adam Bovill
I second that notion.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:16 PM
Subject: [ephpod] Re: www.applemusic.com
Post by John
no kidding, apply for that job Joe...you have a
boatload of folks here who
Post by John
can give you references!
Post by Adam Bovill
Post by John
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[ brendan mckitrick ]
2003-05-01 23:11:02 UTC
As posted by a moderator on Apple's iPod discussion forums:

"iPod software 2.0 and its features are only compatible with new iPods.

iPod software 1.3 allows existing iPod customers to play back AAC music
purchased from the iTunes Music Store or ripped from a user's CD collection
on their iPod. "


That is fricken annoying...

[ Brendan ] | [e] ***@sektah.com
[p] 0402 993 798 [w] www.sektah.com

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Eduardo Delgado
2003-05-02 22:33:17 UTC
Oops. I misread your post, sorry.
Post by b***@nj.rr.com
Post by Steve K
However, I would suspect someone will figure out how to install the 3G
Post by b***@nj.rr.com
Post by Steve K
firmware on the 1G and 2G iPods.
The issue is, does the new IPod have more controls? If so, then it won't
likely ever be possible. If however, they only moved the controls around,
then its quite do-able
Well, it doesn't have more controls, but it has _different_ controls. The old
buttons were on/off switches, while the new buttons are touch sensitive. I
guess the on/off parsing is done by the CPU. Still do-able, only a bit

iPod!, uPod?

Eduardo Delgado

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Hamish O'Dea
2003-05-05 06:04:21 UTC
I tested the files I posted about before on iTunes. Both would display
and play properly when called .mp4, but of course I couldn't send them
to the iPod.

When renamed to .m4a, however, I had interesting results. I could put
both files on the iPod, and both played on the iPod. However,
test-faac.m4a would not play in iTunes. iTunes said "not available" in
the song length column. When playing it on the iPod the elapsed time
shows 0:00 and remaining time -0:00 while the song plays.

Test-quicktime.m4a played OK in iTunes and showed the correct time while
playing on the iPod.

So it looks like iTunes is fussier about the songs it plays than the
iPod (or Quicktime) is, which is not too bad for Windows users, but
might be a pain for people going between Windows and Mac.

On Fri, 2 May 2003 22:10:54 +1000
Actually, mine worked in iTunes with the extension of .mp4, and *didn't*
work with .m4a.
I used the command-line options that you wrote down exactly...
I'll try some other wavs.
Post by Hamish O'Dea
On Fri, 2 May 2003 13:42:30 +1000
Post by j***@builderadius.com
Post by Hamish O'Dea
faac -m 4 train.wav train.aac
mp4creator60.exe -create=train.aac train.mp4
I can't remember if I had to rename the file to .m4a for iTunes to
Post by Hamish O'Dea
it. Just to confuse things, Quicktime on Windows played it when
Post by Hamish O'Dea
Post by j***@builderadius.com
Post by Hamish O'Dea
but *not* .m4a. More confusion: copy protected songs bought from
Post by Hamish O'Dea
Post by j***@builderadius.com
Post by Hamish O'Dea
iTunes store are apparently called .m4p.
More issues on my end... I pulled in the .mp4 file into iTunes and
Post by Hamish O'Dea
Post by j***@builderadius.com
would play, but wouldn't let me copy it over to my iPod. I renamed
Post by Hamish O'Dea
Post by j***@builderadius.com
file to .m4a, but then iTunes failed to play the song at all.
Seems like we're not going to be able to make these .m4a files on
machines...? Let me know if anyone out there is able to do this...
I had the same problem when the file was called .mp4, but it worked
Post by Hamish O'Dea
it was .m4a. iTunes played it, and I could drag it to the iPod.
The iPod played both the file I created with faac/mp4creator and one I
made with Quicktime. I couldn't seek on the faac file though, it
Post by Hamish O'Dea
display any time elapsed/remaining.
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2003-05-05 12:07:51 UTC
I have figured out how to edit the header from the great research
forwarded to me here.

I have almost completed a commandline program that converts an mp4 to an
m4a (the difference here being mp4 is mpeg 41, not 42 and does not have
the iTunes udat atom)

Once that's done, I'll make it available to you guys, as well as adding
support for it in EphPod. It will be up to someone else (or maybe me in
the not-so-near future) to write a tag editor for the iTunes udat atom
(not too difficult, so if you're interested, just let me know and I'll
give you what I have).

Post by Hamish O'Dea
I tested the files I posted about before on iTunes. Both would display
and play properly when called .mp4, but of course I couldn't send them
to the iPod.
When renamed to .m4a, however, I had interesting results. I could put
both files on the iPod, and both played on the iPod. However,
test-faac.m4a would not play in iTunes. iTunes said "not available" in
the song length column. When playing it on the iPod the elapsed time
shows 0:00 and remaining time -0:00 while the song plays.
Test-quicktime.m4a played OK in iTunes and showed the correct time while
playing on the iPod.
So it looks like iTunes is fussier about the songs it plays than the
iPod (or Quicktime) is, which is not too bad for Windows users, but
might be a pain for people going between Windows and Mac.
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Steve K
2003-05-05 14:22:05 UTC
Hey folks --

Does anyone know where to find some good documentation on the iTunesDB format?
So far I've found the following documents:


As well as the source code for the various open-source projects (gtkpod,
gnupod, etc.). However, there still are quite a bit "unknown" fields.

Does anyone know of any other sources of info?


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Hamish O'Dea
2003-05-08 04:10:12 UTC
Probably not much use to anyone, but I just read on the
www.hydrogenaudio.org forum that you can "convert" mp4's with quicktime
Next, I loaded "01-Nero.mp4" into QuickTime Pro 6.2 and did a file
export. Export was set to "Movie to MPEG-4." And, I went to Options /
Audio tab and set the Audio Track to "Pass through."

On Mon, 5 May 2003 22:07:51 +1000
I have figured out how to edit the header from the great research
forwarded to me here.
I have almost completed a commandline program that converts an mp4 to an
m4a (the difference here being mp4 is mpeg 41, not 42 and does not have
the iTunes udat atom)
Once that's done, I'll make it available to you guys, as well as adding
support for it in EphPod. It will be up to someone else (or maybe me in
the not-so-near future) to write a tag editor for the iTunes udat atom
(not too difficult, so if you're interested, just let me know and I'll
give you what I have).
Post by Hamish O'Dea
I tested the files I posted about before on iTunes. Both would display
and play properly when called .mp4, but of course I couldn't send them
to the iPod.
When renamed to .m4a, however, I had interesting results. I could put
both files on the iPod, and both played on the iPod. However,
test-faac.m4a would not play in iTunes. iTunes said "not available" in
the song length column. When playing it on the iPod the elapsed time
shows 0:00 and remaining time -0:00 while the song plays.
Test-quicktime.m4a played OK in iTunes and showed the correct time while
playing on the iPod.
So it looks like iTunes is fussier about the songs it plays than the
iPod (or Quicktime) is, which is not too bad for Windows users, but
might be a pain for people going between Windows and Mac.
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