Converting .mp3 to .m4a (AAC .mp4)
Michael R. Habel
2004-01-10 20:51:17 UTC
Hay I got a question about Ephpod Ver 2.75.

Can I use Ephpod to convert .mp3's into .m4a's (AAC .mp4's)

Or am I forced to use iTunes to do this type of conversion??

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Gordon Harris
2004-01-10 21:50:20 UTC
My understanding is that the general consensus is that any size gain you
might achieve through converting mp3s to aacs is offset by a quality
degradation induced by any "tanscoding" operation (any conversion from one
lossy codec to another.) If you are running out of space on your iPod,
Steve Jobs would love it if you bought a 2nd one. Otherwise, transcode
away...just be prepared for some loss of sound quality, even though aac
allegedly has better specs than mp3.

Ephpod isn't an encoding application, so it won't do that kind of
conversion. iTunes should do what you want to do. You might also try
Poikosoft's Easy CD-DA extractor. http://poikosoft.com It includes an audio
format conversion utility that has worked very well for me. I think that
the freely downloadable version includes a 15 day trial.

For myself, I've yet to be overwhelmed by any aac encoded material at the
quality levels I like to listen at. I'm still hearing artifacts that I
don't hear in mp3s. The only material that I've found that consistently
sounds better encoded via aac is 60's and 70's analog harpsicord recordings
(e.g. Gustav Leonhardt's recordings.) So, for now, I'm continuing to encode
everthing as mp3, vbr, highest quality.

-----Original Message-----
From: ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu
[mailto:ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu]On Behalf Of Michael R. Habel
Sent: Saturday, January 10, 2004 1:51 PM
To: ***@wso.williams.edu
Subject: [ephpod] Converting .mp3 to .m4a (AAC .mp4)

Hay I got a question about Ephpod Ver 2.75.

Can I use Ephpod to convert .mp3's into .m4a's (AAC .mp4's)

Or am I forced to use iTunes to do this type of conversion??

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Gordon Harris
2004-01-10 21:54:43 UTC
the iPod has trouble playing vary long MP3 VBR recordings through to the
end? I've been encoding audio books as one long mono vbr mp3 per cd. File
sizes have been in the 25 to 32mb range. The iPod consistently seems to
quit playing about 5 minutes before the end of the track. The same
material, encoded CBR (with even larger file sizes,) plays just fine. Is
this a known bug?

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Nadyne Mielke
2004-01-10 22:59:29 UTC
Post by Michael R. Habel
Hay I got a question about Ephpod Ver 2.75.
Can I use Ephpod to convert .mp3's into .m4a's (AAC .mp4's)
Or am I forced to use iTunes to do this type of conversion??
No, you can't use Ephpod to create AAC files.

But why would you want to go from MP3 straight to AAC? The resulting
file will have a loss of sound quality, since you're going straight
from one lossy compression (MP3) to another (AAC).

If you want AAC files on your iPod, then you need to rip your CDs
again, this time to AAC instead of to MP3. Make sure that you have the
most current version of iTunes, though, since the early ones had a
not-so-great AAC encoder. The encoder currently used is significantly


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Michael R. Habel
2004-01-11 16:17:03 UTC
Sorry for any confusion on this matter I guess I should have just asked

if Ephpod could rip AAC .m4a Files.

As for converting .mp3 to another format (i.e. m4a) would be useless!

Unless the .mp3 were of a higher bit rate, I do understand that much.

I just prefer the .m4a encoding on my iPod then standard .mp3.

And wanted to know if such iTunes functions, were available in Ephpod.

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Gordon Harris
2004-01-11 16:26:24 UTC
Nope, Ephpod is a transfer and management program, not a ripping program.
Try Poikosoft's program. I much prefer it over iTunes. It will rip M4As.
http://www.poikosoft.com. I also find myself often using EAC and the
Poikosoft program in conjunction.

-----Original Message-----
From: ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu
[mailto:ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu]On Behalf Of Michael R. Habel
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2004 9:17 AM
To: ***@wso.williams.edu
Subject: [ephpod] Re: Converting .mp3 to .m4a (AAC .mp4)

Sorry for any confusion on this matter I guess I should have just asked

if Ephpod could rip AAC .m4a Files.

As for converting .mp3 to another format (i.e. m4a) would be useless!

Unless the .mp3 were of a higher bit rate, I do understand that much.

I just prefer the .m4a encoding on my iPod then standard .mp3.

And wanted to know if such iTunes functions, were available in Ephpod.

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