Configuring EphPod's display
Jeffrey Kaplan
2003-12-24 04:10:38 UTC
Is there any way to configure the columns in EphPod to either get rid
of ones I'm not interested in or at least permanently shrink them so I
can expand ones I DO want without things scrolling off the side?

I've got EphPod full screen on a 1280x1024 monitor, and it's not enough
room to show the entire row without scrolling. I don't need to see the
(empty) "Composer" or "Track" fields, but I do need to expand the
"Title" and "Artist" fields, and they won't stay the way I set them.
Jeffrey Kaplan <*> www.gordol.org
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"I'll raise a red." "Red. I have those!" "Yes, you do." (Amb.
Mollari and Lennier, B5 "The Quality of Mercy")

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