Duplicate Songs
Gow D
2003-12-15 06:39:35 UTC
Hi Joe,

I am curious on what basis EphPod decides to drop songs when searching for lost music or adding new songs.
I notice on several occasions the identical song by "Different Artists" "duplicates" are dropped.
Artists "Dicky Lee" and "Dickey Lee"
Artists "Hank" and "Hank and group"
This ends up with a different count on the IPod then what is actually on the IPod.
I located them by copying Ipod back to the PC and then using Treecomp.
I can duplicate this by taking any song duplicating and changing the surname, EphPod will drop one of them.
This is not necessary bad, but perhaps some warning list?
Maybe I want both songs?

Which brings me to the 2nd small item.
Initcaps works great on the IPod but when you copy back to a PC the Artists etc revert back to whatever they were before you run Initcaps.


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