(no subject)
2004-01-15 15:16:12 UTC
Dear Ephpod?

I have two questions.

1. I downloaded ephpod and it didn't recognize my ipod drive as an option during the setup. Could this be because I didn't download the MacOpener yet?

2. Recently ripped all of my cd's (using itunes) into my computer (3300 songs) and before I could back up the files my computer crashed. The shitty tech support at Dell had me reformat my hard drive thereby losing all of my songs. Luckily, they are all still in my ipod. I know with itunes if I plug that sucker back in there will be no way to transfer the songs back into the computer. Plus itunes would probably erase everything. I'd like switch to ephpod and am wondering how to use the program to transfer my songs back into the computer (then back them up!!).

Thanks for your help!

Feyd Carroll

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Joe Masters
2004-01-15 16:26:25 UTC
Post by b***@satx.rr.com
Dear Ephpod?
I have two questions.
1. I downloaded ephpod and it didn't recognize my ipod drive as an option during the setup. Could this be because I didn't download the MacOpener yet?
Possibly, or you have not yet converted your iPod Drive to Windows format.
Post by b***@satx.rr.com
2. Recently ripped all of my cd's (using itunes) into my computer (3300 songs) and before I could back up the files my computer crashed. The shitty tech support at Dell had me reformat my hard drive thereby losing all of my songs. Luckily, they are all still in my ipod. I know with itunes if I plug that sucker back in there will be no way to transfer the songs back into the computer. Plus itunes would probably erase everything. I'd like switch to ephpod and am wondering how to use the program to transfer my songs back into the computer (then back them up!!).
Yes, just select all the songs, right-click, choose copy to folder.

ephPod Mailing List
FAQ and HomePage http://www.ephpod.com
mailto:ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu to susbcribe
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mailto:***@wso.williams.edu the mailing-list itself
