Randomized play order vs playlists
Jeffrey Kaplan
2003-12-14 02:47:35 UTC
Normally, I don't use playlists because I prefer to have my entire
collection on random play. But I just created (and synched) a couple
playlists for a couple albums. These are story/concept albums where
the play order is important.

Because I normally listen in random order, the playback order of these
playlists got scrambled.

Is there a relatively simple method other than disabling Random Play
completely to have my iPod play playlists in order, but when not using
a playlist to randomize?
Jeffrey Kaplan <*> www.gordol.org
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2003-12-14 08:14:57 UTC
Not to my knowledge, at least not on gen 1 and 2 ipods. I can't speak
speak for gen 3.
The Shuffle mode is a global setting that effects all songs played. When
you play your entire collection the iPod is looking at that as one long
playlist. When you make your own playlists it does the same.

I find that a bit annoying too, especially if I want to play my entire
collection, but skip the iTrip files. Too bad they didn't put the
"Shuffle/continuous" setting on a slide bar on the outside for
"On-the-fly" adjustment.

Maybe others have found away to do this, but as far as I know, one
setting fits all.
-----Original Message-----
From: ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu
[mailto:ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu] On Behalf Of Jeffrey Kaplan
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 9:48 PM
To: ***@wso.williams.edu
Subject: [ephpod] Randomized play order vs playlists

Normally, I don't use playlists because I prefer to have my entire
collection on random play. But I just created (and synched) a couple
playlists for a couple albums. These are story/concept albums where the
play order is important.

Because I normally listen in random order, the playback order of these
playlists got scrambled.

Is there a relatively simple method other than disabling Random Play
completely to have my iPod play playlists in order, but when not using a
playlist to randomize?
Jeffrey Kaplan <*> www.gordol.org
The from userid is killfiled <*> Send personal mail to gordol

"I don't mean to alarm you, but your pants are talking to you."
(Catherine Sakai, B5 "The Parliament of Dreams")

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