And of course, the url...
2003-08-20 05:21:37 UTC


ephPod Mailing List
FAQ and HomePage http://www.ephpod.com
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Joe Masters
2003-10-03 17:13:20 UTC
Heya guys --

I've been pretty bogged down here, but things are starting to clear up.
Watch the bugzilla stuff start to move next week.
Hey Joe,
Been a while since I (or we, your faithful fan group ;) ) heard from
you. Any news on ephpod? 2.73 is the latest version i heard of, and its
fine but still missing a few things id love to see and submitted to the
databases etc.
(most notably my idea about storing full directory and filenames in the
ipod_control dirs)
ephPod Mailing List
FAQ and HomePage http://www.ephpod.com
mailto:ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu to susbcribe
mailto:ephpod-***@wso.williams.edu to unsusbcribe
mailto:***@wso.williams.edu the mailing-list itself

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